These Are The Signs To Know if Allah Accepted Your Ramadan.

As the month of Ramadan comes to an end, the most important question most of us are probably thinking right now is “How do I know if my Ramadan was accepted by Allah?”

Now there isn’t a 100% guaranteed way to tell exactly how much of our worship was accepted, but there is a pretty good indicator that can help you find out.

And that is steadfastness.

In other words, if we’re able to continue the good actions we picked up in Ramadan well after this month – that would be a major sign that our deeds were accepted.

For instance, the most obvious deed we performed this month was fasting. So a key indicator that our fasting was accepted will be to see how well we are able to continue our fasting throughout the year, even if it’s only a couple of days a month.

The Prophet Muhammad in fact encouraged us to fast 6 days in Shawal, the month directly after Ramadan, so that we will gain the reward of fasting an entire year.

Prayer is another example. If in the month of Ramadan, you were praying Taraweeh every night and visiting the mosque every day, a key indicator that your prayers were accepted would be to how much of these prayers would you continue after Ramadan, even it’s only two extra Rakaat a night.

And of course with Ramadan being the month of the Quran, a key indicator of your Quran being accepted, is found in your ability to maintain a close relationship with the Quran well after the month of Ramadan.

Ramadan is definitely not the finish line, and the Lord of the month of Ramadan, is the same Lord for the entirety of time. The deeds we picked up today should not end tomorrow.

In an amazing hadith, the Prophet Muhammad taught us that if the hour was to come, meaning the final day, and in our hands was a plant, and we had the ability to plant it, we should plant it. This Hadith is a clear sign that the work of a Muslim should never end until the very end of time.

Our deeds should not come to a close with the closing of Ramadan. We must continue and through this steadfastness is our true success.

As the Prophet Muhammad advised one of his companions with short but extremely powerful advice, “قل أمنت بالله ثم استقم”. “Say I believe in Allah and then remain steadfast”. Hold well onto your actions after this month and let not the end of Ramadan signal the end of your worship, but rather a new beginning.

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